Contact Us

UV4SOR is always in need of volunteers at all levels. We are currently forming coalitions for all fifty states. We welcome you to join our team!

If you are interested or just have some questions, please fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you soon!



Please click on the Donate Button if you are able to donate any amount to help support our advocacy efforts.

Your gift today will help to affect positive changes in sexual offense reform.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we rely on contributions and fellow advocate allies for our continued effectiveness as an organization.  Your donation is tax deductible!

If you prefer to mail a check, here is our mailing address:

526 W. 14th Street, Suite 287
Traverse City, MI  49684

Thank you to everyone who is working to make our advocacy group successful.  UV4SOR is making great progress with becoming nationally recognized and getting our voices heard!



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